About Engage Keo
We are a volunteer organization that seeks to support the Keosauqua community with it's mission to educate, inspire and create.

To support the community of Keosauqua, achieve economic and population growth through cultural and entrepreneurial amenities, concepts, and catalytic projects through maximum community engagement.
Engage Keosauqua accomplishes meaningful community growth that makes Keosauqua the premier southeast Iowa destination to live, work and play.
Core Values
Sustainable Growth
Leadership Development and Empowerment
Community Engagement
Arts Culture
Aesthetic Nature of our Geography
Community Institutions
Recent Projects & Events

Rolling on the River
summer concert series
Fall Festival
rural housing readiness assessment
grant writing assistance - twombly museum & 2nd story housing
Pillars of the community
Members of Engage Keosauqua are a dedicated group of champions committed to empowered and engaged leadership for their community through their volunteer service. They recognize that in order to foster a thriving and solution-oriented community that remains appealing and resilient, we must adopt a forward-thinking approach, addressing both present-day challenges in Keosauqua and anticipating the needs of future generations. Furthermore, they are prepared to adapt and evolve in response to the ever-changing dynamics of our world.
We are committed to the following:
Building a solid vision, organizational foundation and planning basis for conducting business,
Retaining and expanding existing businesses and attracting new businesses, small and large,
Developing solutions for housing development and rehabilitation,
Conducting promotions, celebrating special/seasonal events, and encouraging tourism, and
Implementing beautification and design improvements throughout the community

2023 Engage Keosauqua, Inc. Board of Directors
Joy Padget: Hotel Manning, Keosauqua Rotary
Vice President
Melissa Mahon: Keosauqua Mayor, Bloomfield Anesthesia, Pure Vida IV Therapy
Carroll Michalek: Artist, Van Buren County Trails Association, Inc.
Brian Bartholomew: Hill Phoenix
Jasmine Padget: Hotel Manning
Kim Steele-Blair: Bloom and Bark Glass Blowing Studio and Natural Farm, Pathfinders RC&D Board
Rick Michalek: Oldfield Aero Services, Keosauqua Airport, Hotel Manning Preservation Group
Lynn Manning: Van Buren County Arts Council, Van Buren County Trails Association, Inc.
Chris McEntee: Van Buren County Hospital, Keosauqua Light and Power Board, Hotel Manning Preservation Board
Susan Wasko: Wasko Hardware, Keosauqua Rotary
Tom Allen: Keosauqua Lions Club, Van Buren Community Players, Villages Folk School
Jeanette Goehring: Jeanette’s Floral and Decor
Tim Blair: Bloom and Bark Glass Blowing Studio and Natural Farm, Hotel Manning Preservation Group Board
Ashley Moyer: Van Buren County Hospital and Clinics, Empower Rural Iowa
Kelly Hagge: Ryan Companies US, Inc.
Julie Chapius: Van Buren County High School, Keosauqua Lumber
Amber Stump: Libertyville Savings Bank, Hotel Manning Preservation Group Board, Fairfield Habitat for Humanity
Drew Johnson: Libertyville Savings Bank